Monday, January 7, 2013

Naples, FL and Alamosa, CO

January 2-3, 2013
The holiday season over, it was time to hit the road again and return to a town that is quickly becoming one of my favorites. That town is Naples, FL. Why is Naples such a great town? Where to start? First of all, the downtown area has lots of unique places to eat, mom and pops shops, and its just a cool place to stroll around. Fortunately, the town still had decorations up from Christmas which made for some great shots.

Dinner at Sushi Thai

Strolling down 5th Ave.

Second, about 100 yards down the street from the downtown district is access to the beach. Unfortunately, on this trip I was unable to make it to the beach before sunset, so here is what I "saw":

Of course, the third thing that makes Naples great is THE WEATHER! The temperature when I was there was 82... Let me remind you again that this is JANUARY. I'm still kicking myself for not packing any shorts. I soaked up the weather as much as I could and kept reminding myself that I most definitely deserved this because I spent the week before Christmas in Alamosa, Colorado. 

[now don't get me wrong, Alamosa is a cool little town too. And if you ever find yourself in Alamosa, be sure to eat/drink at the San Luis Brewery. Best place in town! I personally recommend the trout]
Alamosa, CO
(not to be confused with Naples)

Back to the point... the reason I deserved the weather in Naples is because the weather in Alamosa was -24. I'll give you a moment to go back and reread that. Yep, you read it right. Negative 24! While you are wrapping your head around that temperature, I will say goodbye for now and start packing for my next trip. Aly and I are heading back to Florida, albeit to Orlando this time for the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend and 11 days at the happiest place on Earth. Até logo!

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